Dear Cottages to Castles Family,
As we sit down to our perfectly imperfect Thanksgiving dinner surrounded by family and friends, we will humbly reflect and share those things that we are most thankful for, as is tradition. However, the things mentioned this year may be a bit different.
We live in a corner of the world that often appears to have no real tangible needs, and many people in our community are fortunate to have what they need and more.
And yet, Hurricane Ian revealed a vulnerability. It revealed that there are needs that may not be quickly and easily remedied, no matter your station or ability to get things done. Homes, livelihoods, security and hope have been lost, and it is heartbreaking.
The recovery effort has provided us an opportunity to share with our community that food, shelter, clothing, gasoline, indoor plumbing, water, electricity, volunteers, relief agencies and first responders are not the only needs that we have.
Faith, friendship, kindness, hospitality, hugs and an attitude of gratitude have been our absolute greatest needs, and we are especially thankful for each and every one of them this year.
From our very special corner of the world to yours, Happy Thanksgiving.